March 2025
The Dunwoody Fine Art Association (DFAA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to:
Promote fine art in the Dunwoody, GA area
Encourage its artists to exhibit their art
Support each other in their creativity and self-expression through lectures, critiques, workshops and exhibits
“The emotions are sometimes so strong that I work without knowing it.” Vincent Van Gogh
Direct inquiries to the DFAAnews editor:
Susan Gallo suegallo@comcast.net
Deadline for news items - 15th of each month
TIP FOR MOBILE VIEW --- Turn your phone sideways and the font size will increase as the page adjusts to the new orientation.
March 5 - Monthly Meeting, 9:30
March 12 - Board Meeting, 10:00
March 19 - Open Paint/Create, 11:00 - 3
HELPFUL HINT --- Login is not necessary unless you want to view the member directory.
"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, So do it." --- Kurt Vonnegut
With spring approaching, it's time to dust off your pallets and paints. Come join us at the barn for comraderie with your fellow members. I alway enjoy painting with other artists. You can learn new techniques and new materials from other artists.
We have Susan Krause as a presenter in March and Beatriz Maliszewski for April.
Please invite friends and family to our meetings.
Thanks from Barbara and Lynne - President and Co-President DFAA
March Presentation - Susan Krause
Susan Krause was born in Toronto, Canada and received her education at the Ontario College of Art. She then got her Bachelor's degree from the University of Guelph and went on to study at the School of Art at Columbia University. She continued her education receiving her MFA from Yale University.
Susan has shown in Canada, Europe, South America and the USA and lives part time in Alamos, Mexico where she is involved in community art education. Susan also works collaboratively with artist and husband Steve Jarvis. She held the position of Chair of Sculpture for the Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta until 2018.

Susan is a mixed media artist who works in abstracts and casting latex prosthetics. The goal of the prosthetics is wearable vicariousness, a clear visual documentation of a life expressed through scares, gnarled hands, sagging breasts, wrinkled sun exposed hands or well traveled feet.
Sights & Insights, July 2025 Cancelled
Co-chairs, Donna Fitzwater and Joan Weiss, have come to the decision to cancel the July 2025 S&I exhibit at Chastain.
We would like to focus on the following to plan for a successful Sights & Insights exhibit at a future time:
1. Suggestions for a new venue
2. New Co-chairs to lead — with a lot of help from Donna and Joan. They have done all the planning. The new co-chairs will have the full support of our own members who understand the submission process, the criteria to select a venue, and all of our notes, correspondence, prospective exhibitors' contacts, time lines, templates and formats, etc. — invaluable to the job!
3. The lack of a signed contract with Chastain would not give us enough time for a July 2025 exhibit. The date will be selected by the new Co-chairs and the new venue.
Thanks to Julie Mazzoni...
...for sharing your beautiful mosaics with us and for sharing information about your process and the materials you enjoy using.​
Welcome New Members
Mark Nanes mnanes@emory.edu
Joy Patty joycpatty@gmail.com
Dawn Tresh treshland@comcast.net

Pam Wetzel
In January, Pam attended a 6 day plein air watercolor workshop at the Tanque Verde Ranch in Tucson, Arizona. The artist was famous Urban Sketcher, Shari Blaukopf. They painted in the Sonoran Desert and also at the Tucson Botanical Gardens. Pam's daughter joined me. It was a great experience. One of her paintings is shown below.​

No News is Good News???
That is not the case with a newsletter so contact the editor at suegallo@comcast.net with news about your art sales, a special workshop you took or an award you have won!
DFAA Officers
President: Barbara Riordan
Co - President: Lynne Joffe
1st Vice President: Joan Monroe, Programs​
2nd Vice President: Traci Kruger, Membership
Secretary: Harriette Perlstein
Treasurer: Karen Peay
DFAA Committee Chairpersons
Barn Paint Days: Janette Worley
EBlast Communications: Jenny Kalmin
Hospitality: TBD
Membership: Traci Kruger
Newsletter Editor: Susan Gallo
Online Directory: Traci Kruger
Parliamentarian: TBD
Programs & Workshops: Joan Monroe
Printed Brochure: Tim Minton
Publicity: Sharon Weiss
Social Media: Traci Kruger
Webmaster: Susan Gallo
Exhibit Chairpersons
Art in the Park: TBD
Best of the Best: Janette Worley
Dunwoody Library Hall: TBD
Dunwoody Fine Art Month: Julie Marshall
Sandy Springs Library Gallery: Donna Fitzwater
Sights & Insights 2025: Joan Weiss & Donna Fitzwater
Shallowford Annex: TBD
PLEASE NOTE: DFAA members do not need to subscribe to the newsletter.