January 2025
The Dunwoody Fine Art Association (DFAA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to:
Promote fine art in the Dunwoody, GA area
Encourage its artists to exhibit their art
Support each other in their creativity and self-expression through lectures, critiques, workshops and exhibits
“The purpose of art is to make the invisible visible.” Paul Klee
Direct inquiries to the DFAAnews editor:
Susan Gallo suegallo@comcast.net
Deadline for news items - 15th of each month
TIP FOR MOBILE VIEW --- Turn your phone sideways and the font size will increase as the page adjusts to the new orientation.
January 8 - Monthly Meeting, 9:30
January 15 - Board Meeting, 10:00
January 22 - Open Paint/Create, 11:00 - 3
HELPFUL HINT --- Login is not necessary unless you want to view the member directory.
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." --- Edgar Degas ​
Dear DFAA Members,
With the words of Edgar Degas let's begin.
Barbara and I welcome you back to a new year of DFAA creativity. First we have the members meeting on January 8th at the Annex. We have the meet and great at 9:30 and the meeting at 10am.
Our January Presenter is John Doane who will do a presentation on 3-Printing. Second we have the Best of The Best change out at the Dunwoody Library that afternoon, January 8th. We have a wonderful line up of presenters covering the next several months, so it will be exciting.
We look forward to seeing everyone in January. Please bring a guest who you think would benefit from all that we do to promote art.
Barbara and Lynne - President and Co-President DFAA

January Presentation John Doane
John Doane will give a presentation on 3D Printing at the January meeting. John was born in Huntsville, Alabama and is the son of a NASA rocket scientist. He holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech and was a Senior Research Engineer at Georgia Tech from 1993 to 2022 specializing in acoustics and 3D modeling. He introduced 3D printing to his colleagues at GA Tech, inspiring a new generation of instrumentation products. During his years at GA Tech he gained extensive experience with graphic design and 3D visualization.
His artistic passion led him to take a dozen classes at the John C. Campbell Folk School. He began teaching at Spruill in 2023 and teaches classes in Perspective Drawing, Shades of Light, and 3D Printing.
John’s other interests and hobbies include photography, horology (study of and making clocks and watches), fountain pens, and he is a pilot.
2025 Dues Renewals Due January 1st
Reminder dues of $60 are due by the New Year. Please either bring a check to our next meeting on January 8th or go online and pay today! (There is a drop down under the ARTISTS tab.) We look forward to having you continue to be a part of association in the next year.

Remember to pick up your work at the BoB show at the Dunwoody Library after the January 8th meeting! We hope everyone was able to see the exhibit while it was up!
Several paintings sold from the exhibit - congrats to all!
Currently at the High Museum
Georgia O’Keeffe: “My New Yorks” -
Now through February 16, 2025
"This exhibition is the first to critically examine O’Keeffe’s paintings, drawings, and pastels of urban landscapes while situating them in the diverse context of her other compositions of the 1920s and early 1930s. The exhibition establishes these works not as outliers or as anomalous to her practice but rather as entirely integral to her modernist investigation in the 1920s—abstractions and still lifes made at Lake George in upstate New York and beyond and works made in the Southwest beginning in 1929. O’Keeffe’s “New Yorks” are essential to understanding how she became the artist we know today."
Susan Gallo
Sue had another painting sell from the DFAA BoB exhibit. Pictured below is "Frenetic Calm".
People, Places and Thingamabobs
The Roswell Fine Arts Alliance People, Places and Thingamabobs is now accepting entries.
The deadline to enter images for virtual judging is January 13th. If you are interested download the pdf for details.
Thank You to Barbara & Lynne
Thanks for arranging a lovely holiday luncheon for our group and guests again this year!

Joan Weiss
"I had good news a couple of weeks ago. One of my paintings sold from the gracious exhibit at Chupitos Restaurant (thank you, Julie Marshall, for the opportunity!)
I’m enclosing a picture of Delta Nights."

Places and Thingamabobs

DFAA Officers
President: Barbara Riordan
Co - President: Lynne Joffe
1st Vice President: Joan Monroe, Programs
2nd Vice President: Traci Kruger, Membership
Secretary: Harriette Perlstein
Treasurer: Karen Peay
DFAA Committee Chairpersons
Barn Paint Days: Janette Worley
EBlast Communications: Jenny Kalmin
Hospitality: TBD
Membership: Traci Kruger
Newsletter Editor: Susan Gallo
Online Directory: Susan Gallo
Parliamentarian: TBD
Programs & Workshops: Joan Monroe
Printed Brochure: Tim Minton
Publicity: Sharon Weiss
Social Media: Traci Kruger
Webmaster: Susan Gallo
Exhibit Chairpersons
Art in the Park: TBD
Best of the Best: Janette Worley
Dunwoody Library Hall: Joan Monroe
Dunwoody Fine Art Month: Julie Marshall
Sandy Springs Library Gallery: Donna Fitzwater
Sights & Insights 2025: Joan Weiss & Donna Fitzwater
Shallowford Annex: Joan Monroe
PLEASE NOTE: DFAA members do not need to subscribe to the newsletter.