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50th Anniversary Celebration - Pop-Up Gallery

Our team turned an abandoned hair salon into a quirky pop-up gallery in The Shops of Dunwoody for a wonderful opportunity to show our work. Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch presented us with a proclamation making Thursday, October 28th, 2021 Dunwoody Fine Art Association Day in honor of our 50th Anniversary. DFAA Co-Presidents Susan Proctor and Barbara Flexner worked hard behind the scenes to make this happen!

34 artists were represented in the sale and each took at least one shift to help man the gallery during the 4 days it was open to the public. It was a great group effort. Some of us even learned how to use a new payment processor from PayPal so we could take payment for sales. The 12 colorful styrofoam "heads" our artists painted certainly added a bit of fun while playing on the salon-as-a-gallery feel.

Below are shots from the gallery and from our opening. We welcomed many from the city of Dunwoody including Rosemary Watts who was instrumental in helping us with our efforts. Thanks to the City of Dunwoody, Janet Wilson and the team at Brand Properties and to all the DFAA members who participated by submitting work and taking shifts to make this pop-up gallery a success!


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