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Monarchs and Margaritas

For the first time, the Dunwoody Nature Center invited DFAA to exhibit their artwork at DNC's annual fundraiser, Monarchs and Margaritas. The event attracted 300 participants who enjoyed a farm to table dinner and bid on high ticket auction items. DNC's Chloe Green reviewed the submissions and selected the artwork. Sharon Weiss was invited to attend as a volunteer to promote DFAA and their work. The attendees were enthusiastic about the artwork and purchased eight paintings, which is wonderful for a three hour event. Congrats to those whose artwork was accepted, and special congrats to the artists who sold work. The exhibit resulted in a generous donation to DNC. We hope to repeat the collaboration next year. The 27 accepted pieces are pictured below.

Journey Home, Michele Ackerman

Full of Grace, Susan Anderson

Winter Morning at Fresh Pond, Susan Anderson

Escape to the Garden, Betty Bates

My Neighbor's Tree, Beth Berghoff

Summer Creek, Beth Berghoff

View From Afar, Claudia Goodman - SOLD

Sunflower, Claudia Goodman - SOLD

Iceland Poppy, Lynne Joffe - SOLD

Purple Hyacinth, Lynne Joffe

A Quiet Moment, Jenny Kalmin - SOLD

Orchids, Jenny Kalmin

Rose, Gloria Lapin

White Butterflies, Gloria Lapin

Red Row, Laurenthia Mesh

English Climbing Roses, Elma Orr

Georgia Cold Morning, Elma Orr

Autumn Berries, Harriette Perlstein - SOLD

Hyacinth Blooms, Harriette Perlstein

Late Summer, Jan Schefstad

Two Boats Waiting, Pat Webster - SOLD

Toccoa River, Pat Webster - SOLD

Sunday in the Park, Joan Weiss

DNC Path, Sharon Weiss - SOLD

Two Sunflowers, Sharon Weiss

Flaming Fuchsia, Pam Wetzel

My Spring Iris, Pam Wetzel



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